Gta 6 game download for mobile

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Then make a mods.img using OpenIV and add all radar images to it.Kalo Untuk Biar Gk Crash Coba Lu Buka Folder GTA_IV_HUD, Habis Itu Buka File Main.ini Pas Ada ChechExeVersion=1 Ubah=>0 ShowAboutAtStart=1 Ubah=>0 Klau Masalah Hud Nya Kotak Di GTA EI Lu Coba Hapus raddarect.asi atau lu hapus yg hud txd di folder models Habis Itu Ganti Yg Bawaan GTA ORI (YG Ori Kan Bulat:) Sekian. insert to the top of images.txt: mods\mods 1. (recommended method) Edit gta.dat and images.txt to make a mods folder for your game and put the files there: insert to the top of gta.dat: RADARBLIPS mods/blips.wtd.